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2023 W&J Alpha and Beta Scholars recognized

创建:2023年10月9日|最后更新:2023年10月9日|类别:   |  Tagged:

WASHINGTON, PA (October 9, 2023) – Washington & Jefferson College (W&J)授予180名GPA超过3分的学生2023 Alpha和Beta奖学金.7 for the duration of their enrollment. 10月9日,星期一,学生们在校园里举行了一场特殊的仪式. 2.

在这180人中,有110人有资格成为阿尔法学者,因为他们拥有或保持了3分.85 GPA or higher, 70名平均绩点在3分之间或保持在3分之间的学生有资格获得贝塔奖学金.7 and 3.85.

View the complete list of students.

det365app祝贺今年的Alpha和Beta学者,并赞扬他们继续致力于高学术成就,” said Dr. Jeff Frick, vice president for Academic Affairs and Dean of the College. “这些学生拥有在课堂上取得成功所必需的技能和实践, and we are pleased to honor their accomplishment.”

In addition to the GPA requirement, Alpha和Beta奖学金获得者必须在一学年至少学习七门分级课程.

Alpha Scholar Sofia Jenkins, 大四主修传播艺术和西班牙语,辅修心理学和冲突解决研究, offered the student address. In her speech, “Unlocking Potential: The Power of a Liberal Arts Education,詹金斯反思了她的学术之旅是如何受益于文科的.

“Life comes at us fast; being a part of a liberal arts community arms us with the tools to adapt to changes and challenges,” shared Jenkins. “The possibilities at a liberal arts college are endless; we just have to go look for them.”

About Washington & Jefferson College

Washington & Jefferson College, proudly located in Washington, Pennsylvania, 一所历史悠久的文理学院成立于1781年,重视道德领导吗, professional readiness and inclusive communities. det365app高度定制和智力参与的学生体验培养了不同寻常的诚信专业人士,在不断变化的世界中发挥领导作用. For more information about W&J, visit or call 888-W-AND-JAY.